
Musilogue's latest venture is using crowdfunding to produce a vinyl record. The album we have chosen is the 4th Musilogue album, “Hizuru”. This album fuses traditional Japanese instruments and Jazz, and has been well-received since its original release. “You never know unless you try. Just do it.” This is one of the founding principles of Musilogue. We create music in styles that have never existed before. That’s why we want to try to release our music in new and exciting ways, too. We’ve set a target of 200 copies and, as of 1st February 2018, 115 copies have been ordered. The crowdfunding order period runs until 13th April 2018. If we don’t achieve the target, the vinyl won’t be pressed. We’d like as many people as possible to enjoy the music of “Hizuru” on vinyl. Thank you in advance for your support!! 

飛鶴 (Hizuru)

Musilogue has been pursuing a new sound by various combinations of musicians.This time, we’re going to have an album by a collaborative project called “Hizuru” which uses Japanese traditional instruments and is the project of Ryota Nozaki(Jazztronik), who is the center of Musilogue.Hizuru has made the album with 9 musicians who play instruments including shakuhachi, koto and shamisen.They show the possibility of a new style of music on it. 野崎良太(Jazztronik)主催の音楽家プロジェクト”Musilogue”が制作する音源シリーズの第4弾。毎回様々な編成による新たなサウンドを追求するこのシリーズですが、今回は野崎が中心となり声をかけた音楽家達とのコラボレーションユニット”Hizuru”によるアルバム『飛鶴』となります。このアルバムでは、尺八や三味線そして箏などの純邦楽の演奏家を含めた総勢9名により新しい音楽の可能性を提示しています。Hizuruとは飛ぶ鶴という意味からつけられた名前です。その飛鶴の姿のごとく邦楽器の魅力を新たな音楽へと昇華させていくのがこの”Hizuru"の音楽です。 こちらに沖野修也さんによるライナーノーツがUPされています。 ●Musicians of Hizuru Ryota Nozaki (Piano,Keyboard), Toru Nishijima (Bass), Shiori Tanabe (Shakuhachi), Shunsuke Kimura (Shamisen,Fue), Asuka (Koto), Takeshi Kurihara (SAX), Arata Inoue (Electri


Musilogue blog

Musilogue(ムジログ)とは、野崎良太(Jazztronik)が中心となりスタートした新しい音楽カルチャープロジェクトです。ここではMusilogueの活動や情報を発信していきます。Musilogue is a new music project stared by Ryota Nozaki(Jazztronik) who is the centre of the project.


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